

鑽如其名 璀璨非凡

Peonia Diamond彼愛麗鑽石,嚴選最優質美鑽,採用獨家的「牡丹花88瓣切割法」技術, 以精心設計的切割面組合,增加鑽石的光亮度、火彩及閃光,完美呈現皇室之花「牡丹」的瑰麗形態。 牡丹雅逸脫俗,風姿多變,它象徵愛情、富貴榮華及幸福圓滿。自唐代以來已得皇侯貴胄專寵, 更受皇家法例保護,地位超然,完美印象永不磨滅。而Peonia Diamond彼愛麗鑽石的創作理念, 是演繹牡丹最耀眼的魅力,將璀璨永留在鑽石當中。



彼愛麗鑽石 ﹣ 炫美閃亮



專利的牡丹花88瓣切割法不僅完美呈現牡丹花影像圖案,其閃亮度遠超 一般鑽石。傳統鑽石切割法的光學表現變化不一,即使是採用較多切割面的特殊切工,也未必能讓鑽石折射出更多光線。專利的牡丹花88瓣切 割法則採用獨特角度和比例,賦予鑽石極佳的光學對稱和極大的光學直徑,達致全反射的光學表現,折射出更靈動炫目的閃亮度。




GIA是全球最受認可的鑽石分級研究機構,也是這方面的首要權威。每顆 Peonia Diamond彼愛麗鑽石都附有一張證書,而每張證書各有獨特編號, 並在鑽石腰棱上刻有‘Peonia 88 cut’ 的字樣,獨一無二。 如欲進一步瞭解GIA,歡迎瀏覽www.gia.edu


捷邁克斯™是全球領先的鑽石鑒定機構,專注於鑒定能印證鑽石光學表現及 整體美觀度的「亮度、閃光及火彩」。 如欲進一步瞭解捷邁克斯™,歡迎瀏覽www.gemex.com

Peonia Diamond彼愛麗鑽石認證

彼愛麗鑽石證書代表了對Peonia Diamond彼愛麗鑽石的認證,是正品、優質和 高水準的信心保證。



钻如其名 璀璨非凡

Peonia Diamond彼爱丽钻石,严选最优质美钻,採用独家的「牡丹花88瓣切割法」技术, 以精心设计的切割面组合,增加钻石的光亮度、火彩及闪光,完美呈现皇室之花「牡丹」的瑰丽形态。 牡丹雅逸脱俗,风姿多变,它象徵爱情、富贵荣华及幸福圆满。自唐代以来已得皇侯贵胄专宠, 更受皇家法例保护,地位超然,完美印象永不磨灭。而Peonia Diamond彼爱丽钻石的创作理念, 是演绎牡丹最耀眼的魅力,将璀璨永留在钻石当中。



彼爱丽钻石 ﹣ 炫美闪亮



专利的牡丹花88瓣切割法不仅完美呈现牡丹花影像图案,其闪亮度远超 一般钻石。传统钻石切割法的光学表现变化不一,即使是採用较多切割面的特殊切工,也未必能让钻石折射出更多光线。专利的牡丹花88瓣切 割法则採用独特角度和比例,赋予钻石极佳的光学对称和极大的光学直径,达致全反射的光学表现,折射出更灵动炫目的闪亮度。




GIA是全球最受认可的钻石分级研究机构,也是这方面的首要权威。每颗 Peonia Diamond彼爱丽钻石都附有一张证书,而每张证书各有独特编号, 并在钻石腰棱上刻有‘Peonia 88 cut’ 的字样,独一无二。 如欲进一步瞭解GIA,欢迎浏览www.gia.edu


捷迈克斯™是全球领先的钻石鉴定机构,专注于鉴定能印证钻石光学表现及 整体美观度的「亮度、闪光及火彩」。 如欲进一步瞭解捷迈克斯™,欢迎浏览www.gemex.com

Peonia Diamond彼爱丽钻石认证

彼爱丽钻石证书代表了对Peonia Diamond彼爱丽钻石的认证,是正品、优质和 高水准的信心保证。

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The Incomparable Peonia Diamond

The Peonia Diamond was created to exceed the expectations of the most discerning customers. It had to be more beautiful, more brilliant, and more radiant than other diamonds – as well as offer something unique and meaningful. The inspiration came from the incomparable beauty of the peony. The graceful peony flower has many delicate layers of petals which slowly and elegantly unfurl into a majestic blossom. It was a favourite flower of nobility, and at one time was even protected by imperial law. Love, prosperity and happiness are symbols of this refined flower, which continues to hold a special place in many people’s hearts. In designing the Peonia Diamond, the intent was to capture the delicate beauty and significance of the flower in an enduring marvel of craftsmanship. Our master artisans took on this challenge and through years of art, science, skill and expertise, achieved perfection in The Peonia Diamond. Featuring the patented Peonia 88 Cut, 88 intricately handcrafted facets reveal a peony flower pattern in a burst of sublime brilliance. It truly is an extraordinarily beautiful diamond, worthy of its namesake.。

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Brilliant and Beautiful

Designing a diamond that reveals a pattern deep within, without affecting light return, is a very difficult technical task. A conventional round brilliant diamond with 57 facets does not feature a special pattern. The Peonia 88 Cut design, however, not only dazzles with sparkling light, but also offers something very special. When viewed through a diamond scope, the delicate petals of the peony can be seen radiating from the diamond’s center; whilst the pavilion, or bottom view, shows a vivid floral burst.

Incredible Light Performance

The patented Peonia 88 cut design not only reveals a peony flower pattern, but also results in a sparkle that exceeds regular diamonds. Conventional brilliant cut diamonds have varying light performance, and many special cut diamonds sacrifice light performance for the extra facets. However, the patented precision angles and proportions of the Peonia 88 Cut bring maximum symmetry to the diamond, resulting in a glorious dispersion of light.

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GIA Diamond Grading Certificate

GIA is the world’s foremost authority in diamond grading. Every Peonia Diamond comes with a GIA Certificate. The unique GIA number, as well as the words, ‘Peonia 88 cut’are engraved on the girdle of the diamond. For further information about GIA, visit www.gia.edu

GemEx Light Performance Certificate

GemEx is the global leader in brilliance, sparkle and fire certification. Peonia 88 Cut is proven, through this certificate, to make the Peonia Diamond more brilliant than the average diamond. To see your diamond’s details online, please visit www.gemex.com

The Peonia Diamond Certificate

The Peonia Diamond’s unique beauty and brilliance are visible to the naked eye. However, for extra assurance, a Peonia Diamond Certificate accompanies every Peonia Diamond. This certificate is proof of the authenticity, quality, and high standards of craftsmanship of the Peonia Diamond.